First, let me say that I’m agree with Alton Brown – I HATE single use tools. Given the amount of cooking we do and the spectrum of dishes that we produce, one can only imagine how many kitchen tools we have floating around the house.
So when the SlotDog first showed up on my doorstep, I laughed it off and basically let it sit unopened for a few months. Yes, months. Bad reviewer, I know! But I didn’t want to use a product that I couldn’t get behind. But then, as fate would have it, I needed to cook up about 4 dozen hot dogs for a 3 year olds birthday party and I decided to get the SlotDog a whirl.
Using the SlotDog is easy, you simply press it into the hotdog and then pull your hot dog off, turn it over and repeat. But based on the type of hotdog you have, it may or may not be easy to cut through the casing. Case in point – this sad kielbasa. The SlotDog does not work on Kielbasa as you can see – I ended up with a smashed kielbasa that I grilled up anyways. Tasted just fine, just a bit exploded.
The benefits of the SlotDog Hot Dog Cutter? Presentation, crispness and condiment adhesion. Presentation because it makes your hot dogs look like million bucks and people will suddenly think you have the knife skills of a famous plastic surgeon.
Your hot dogs look like million bucks and people will suddenly think you have the knife skills of a famous plastic surgeon
How does it make your hot dogs crispier? Well technically it doesn’t – but it allows for more surface area of the hot dog to become crispier. It will prevent hot dog blowouts and bubbles.
And where the SlotDog really excels is in the category of condiment adhesion. No longer will your chili or relish shoot out the other end of your bun and land in your lap. No no dear sir. Now your chili will remain firmly in place – making each and every bite as evenly coated and topped as the first.
A Few SlotDog FAQs
Could it work on other things besides hot dogs? I’m sure it could but after the kielbasa incident of 2016, I’m not rushing to push this little gadget beyond it’s limits.
How hard is it to clean? Surprisingly not that bad, you can use a brush with some soap and water or simply toss in the dishwasher like we do.
How long does it take? To do one hot dog? Less then a minute. To do 3 dozen hot dogs, about 30 minutes – mostly because my hands got tried and started cramping.
Have you used it more than once? Yes, I use this thing almost every weekend now – when I make lunch for the kiddos (it’s summer time, don’t judge our hot dog consumption!).
Could my kids use this? Technically yes, with adult supervision. But with my hot dogs, I need to press down pretty hard, so unless you have baby Hercules on your hands, I’m pretty sure you will need to do the work.
Where can I get one? Try ordering from Amazon here.
Final Thoughts:
Would I buy this again? Sure, but I only need one and that one is still performing well. I would buy one for a friend or family member as a quick and easy gift that comes with a cool story/conversation. I still stand behind the hatred of single use products, but ever so often, one comes by that wins a place in my heart and the SlotDog is one of those items. Get yourself one and bring back the summer time hot dog!
SlotDog Photo Gallery